Integrative Gynecology
What is Integrative Gynecology?
Well-person care is a space for body balance, as you look at your body as a whole and listen to what it is saying. At Mariposa, we believe that your body talks to you, and your body tells the truth! Well-person visits can include traditional annual exam components like a history and physical, individualized bloodwork for PCOS, thyroid balance, or anemia, STI testing and treatment if needed, and a pap if you are due. If a person is sexually active, we review a reproductive health plan and give personalized birth control options, if desired. We can talk about how to understand your moon cycles and how to read your body’s signs, to either prevent or encourage pregnancy.
Paps can be every 3-5 years in certain age groups, if all is well. Preventative screenings are customized using a shared decision-making process. Any specific concerns are addressed including pelvic pain, vaginal symptoms, urinary tract infections, painful or irregular periods, or abnormal bleeding. We also talk about hormonal concerns, and changes in sexual experience.
Hormone therapy is also one of the options for non-binary or trans clients, and an initial discussion of choices can be part of a well-person visit. Referrals to other amazing providers are given if needed.
Well-person appointments are a great time to talk about exercise, energy, and nutrition. The focus is on the whole person. If support is needed, botanicals, nutritional changes, supportive therapies, or pharmaceutical options are reviewed. Well-person exams are 60-90 minutes, and are grounded in a trauma-sensitive style.